Tychicus #4
We enjoyed our time with Shane & Kim & the folks at Breakthrough Church in Mebane. After dinner we drove to Plymouth so we will near Kitty Hawk where we want to visit. The weather is coming in like a tiger as sleet storms & a low is expected for Monday afternoon.
Lucy called so that Dottie could speak with Michelle. But before we hung up Kevin, Minor, Quique & Jacobo all wanted to speak.
Wednesday evening we will be with Lou Bender at his church in Chincoteague Island, Va. Hs phone number is 703 346 7978.
This is Juan and his wife who have been with us for over 15 years & is finishing an overhang for Dottie before moving home to Escuintla.
Tychicuus was an encouragement to others. He strengthened others in their daily struggles. Paul depended upon him. If people asked about Paul Tychicus would give them an update-good and bad. He was honest and trustworthy.
Paul refers to Tychicus in Ephesians and Colossians as a dear brother, faithful servant, fellow minister but “servant” can also be translated “slave”. This means that NOTHING was beneath him. He would do whatever was necessary. Nothing was too humbling for him.
Philemon, a wealthy owner of mush property, opened his home to be used as the church. He entered the usual meeting with flames in his eyes as he was angry enough to bite nails. One of his slaves, Onesimus, had escaped and stolen money from his owner. What has this to do with Tychicus?
Colossains 4:9 says “Tychicus is coming with Onesimus who is one of us, a faithful and dear brother in the Lord”. The very slave who escaped and stole money from Philemon was returning as a missionary. Evidently Onesimus made his way to Rome and gotten saved. Now he knew the penalty for runaways and thieves would be a tattoo burned into his face at the least and death at the worst. Yet he was returning to the scene of the crime. Paul wanted him to go and make it right with Philemon.
I do not know his exact words but I feel that Paul wanted Onesimus to return to his master and take up his cross as a child of God. As we have seen through history many men and women have placed themselves in harms way in order to serve God. So now we can see why Paul would write “Onesimus, our dear and faithful brother”. Philemon would read this and the ball would be in his court. Paul would not let Onesimus travel along. He told him to accompany Tychicus. Everyone knew that Tychicus was a man of integrity. When Paul used the term “fellow slave” concerning Tychicus this would surely minister to the heart of Philemon. The situation was healed!!!