Andrew #2

For years we have allowed children with “safe” situations with relatives to spend the Easter holidays with them. But we decided tho year we would go in another direction. The parents will come this morning at 7:30am and visit until 12:30. The children without visits will go to the school property at 8:30am and there will be many activities for them there.
Yesterday I shared that Andrew was the first Apostle of Jesus and although he did not understand everything John the Baptist aid he believed that Jesus was the Messiah. He was willing to listen and learn. I can just see old Peter fishing and grumbling that his brother, Andrew, was not helping at all.
In a short time Andrew told Peter about Christ and John the Baptist lost one of his disciples but Christ gained two. That is the proof of a successful minister. He is not attempting to draw people to himself but rather he is drawing people to Christ. John 1:41-42 tells us that the first thing Andrew did when he learned of Jesus was to go and tell his brother Peter. At that moment all he wanted was for his brother to know Christ. He had the spiritual welfare of his brother in his heart.
And immediately he began to take second place to Peter. Peter receives the name change from Simon to Peter. He would forever be known as the brother of Peter. But that was what he was called to be. We never know what will happen when we lead one person to Christ. That one person may move leap and bounds beyond where you are but that should make you happy and not jealous.
Both Andrew and Peter immediately responded to the call of Jesus in Matthew 4:18 “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Andrew was seen as the brother of Peter throughout his ministry. Matthew 10:2 “These are the names of the 12 apostles: first Simon (called Peter) and his brother Andrew…. In Mark’s list of the 12 he is actually listed 4th behind Peter, James and John.
But we will see that even though he was poised to be behind Peter there are 3 instances in the Word where we see him in his own right.
Stay tuned!