James and John #3

Tim, Josue’ & Aroldo accompanied Dr. Hines to see the dean of the medical school, Dr. Alfaro, and it appears we will be getting a pediatrician from the university. Wouldn’t that be awesome?
Walter met with the Department of Labor and the outcome was that the judge moved it until May 14th.
Groups of children have come all day laying hands and praying for my surgery.
Dr. Lou, the nephrologist we have worked with for years came with his staff to see the dialysis addition. He asked that we all pray because the main hospital is wanting to close his program of 2000 children who are kidney patients as well as the 500 children with AIDS and 200 children with diabetes. The government has cut back on medication for the children and this step is actually saying “Let them die”. Please pray for them.
ghufttgI will go to the hospital in the morning and so it may be a few days before I can update again.
I believe that we must be fair to these sons of thunder and realize that it was their faith, loyalty and devotion that caused James and John to ask for the special place next to Jesus in the new kingdom. I would love that place also but it is for God and He alone that makes those decisions.
Obviously, James and John were used to getting their way as demonstrated as their request of their mother to petition Jesus for the places of honor. Now she was human and wanted the best for her sons. That is not a negative quality in a parent. But her request did get the brothers in trouble with the other disciples. If our prayers are not in line with the will of God in our lives we can be very sincere but that will not move God. Praying according to His will are going to be the only prayers answered.
Jesus will catch our attention very quickly when we are prideful. Years ago I was preaching in Lafayette, La and over 20 adult men and many women and children came to Jesus. A visiting pastor was there and asked that I come and preach in his church. We set a date and I went. I knew what a “wonderful” message I had delivered in Lafayette so I just ‘warmed’ it over and presented it. As I began I heard God say “You can do tho one by yourself”.
I could have read a phone book and been more effective. It was horrible. He was embarrassed as was I. His people were not ministered to. It was a fiasco I promised to never repeat. It is ALL ABOUT JESUS! If we do not lift Him up then we have failed as ministers.