James and John #6


I have not given enough credit to Dr. Hines as well as Aroldo. Aroldo has a heart for those dialysis children that cannot be measured. His love for the children ever since Antony was here & passed way has been something to behold. He will someday be mentioned the same breath with DeBacky, Switzer(?), Menninger and Oschner. Dr Hines has entered my life as we are 70 and 80 years old age. Something similar to Moses and Aaron.

I returned home about 5pm. Tim & Jose’ brought us home and then Patty, Analy and Gladys got me upstairs and into bed. I am so sore but so glad to be home.


One of the greatest honors any man in history has had was the handing over the mother of Jesus into the hands and responsibility of John. Only Peter and John had gone into the area of the trial and I believe that only John was at the foot of the cross. Mary by now was widowed and could expect no support from her other children. John 19:25 -27 says “From that time on, this disciple took her into his home”. This probably tells us everything that we would ever need to know about the character of John.

God used the strong and forceful characters of these Sons of Thunder for His glory. Of the twelve disciples James would be the first to arrive in Heaven and John would be the last. James was killed by Herod Agrippa who was the grandson of Herod the Great. The year was 44AD. Stephen had been killed by a mob. It was totally illegal but James was put to death by a legal document. This was the beginning of tremendous persecution by the government.

Did you ever wonder why someone like James was killed and Peter was miraculously saved by God from prison and certain death? Or why was James taken so young and his brother allowed to live into his 90s? Well, I have learned that what we consider to be great tragedies of life are not seen that way in heaven. God has a purpose for everything and everyone on earth and EVERYTHING is truly in His hands.

A life well lived for God will bring rewards. It is not the length of our lives that brings the rewards because it is not about achievement. It is all about obedience. If I do what God has called me to do I will be rewarded. If you do what God asks of you then you also will be rewarded. Not everyone is a preacher, pastor, missionary or evangelist. God rewards the man, woman and child in the pews if they are obedient to remain faithful to His calling on their lives.

Isn’t is wonderful to read of these two sons of thunder and see how God tamed them and used them for His glory?