Philip #4

Ron & Tanya left Saturday but Bill & Janet are staying for services Sunday & leaving on Monday. Dottie and I will take them to the airport and then pick up blood work, X-rays and the electrocardiogram for the internist who will tell the surgeon if I am healthy enough. We then have to go to the US Embassy. So Monday will be a very busy day.
Tuesday Dr. Hines will arrive with the attachment for telemedicine which will allow us to do lab work on the dialysis patients here on campus. He, Josue’ & Tim will meet with Dr. Alfaro at the university on Thursday.
My surgeon has set 1pm on Friday for the surgery. It is Lumbar Spinal Fusion and he believes it will take 6 screws but there is a possibility for only 4 screws. So Dottie and I have been praying for less of a problem when they open me up.
We have seen that Philip was a hesitant apostle. He seemed to never want to have to make a decision. Constantly we see his hesitations. Now it is nearing the end. Jesus will soon be crucified. Jesus has spent 3 years teaching them and preparing them for the coming events that would soon be in their hands to conquer. But Philip will again demonstrate that he is still groping in the dark although he was always walking near to the Light of the World.
“Show us the Father” would bring this response from Jesus. “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you for so long? Can you not see that the Father and I are one? I am in the Father and the Father is in me. If you see me, you see the Father”.
Think about it! Three years, many miracles, hundreds of stories and lessons and the absolute perfect quality of the life of Jesus and he has not seen Who the Lord is. To see Christ is to see God! So long with Jesus! So much teaching! Yet so little understanding!
These will be the last words we read in the Word concerning Philip. We learn that a Christian even if he is very close to the Lord can have FAITH WITHOUT CONFIDENCE!