1 + 1 = 1 (#4)
Kersey’s cosmetology school came with a bus load of students and they did hair and nails for every child on campus.
Oscar had his thesis approved so he has finished college and will graduate in August.
Gladys & Josue are looking after Jim’s dorm while they are in the states.

We shared that 3 in 1 is the way God does things. Spirit, soul and body is the makeup of man. We saw that the body is the sexual part of man and that is God’ idea and God’s gift to marriage. Then we saw that the soul of man is our emotions, will, determination and feelings. Continuing with that thought I want to add that the soul of man also includes the intellect of a husband and wife.
I am not talking smart or dumb. I am talking about communication. Every marriage will need good communication in order to have success. I have preached for years and sadly people have heard things I did not say and miss things that I did say. In marriage that can be deadly. A husband and wife must communicate their hearts to one another. It is critical that we listen to one another. Two ears and one mouth so you tell me what God thought was more important–talking or listening.
You must be careful with WHAT you say
You must be careful with HOW you say it
You must be careful WHEN you say it
You must be careful WHY you say it.