Honey #3

There are 30 EMPTY suitcases in Fayetteville, Ark and we need for them to get to Debbie in Lake Charles, La. If there is anyone who can do tho for us it will help us get items for the children to Guatemala with the summer teams.
Here is our Fall schedule so please respond if you are interested.
Friday, Sept 5th 6:30pm Amana Christian Fellowship, Maurice, LA Sunday, Sept 7th 9:30am Word Of Life, Patterson, LA Pm open Wednesday, Sept 10th open Sunday, Sept 14th AM open 5:30pm Second Chance Ministries, Lucedale, MS Wednesday, Sept 17th open Sunday, Sept 21st 10:50am Lakeshore Heights Baptist Church, Hot Springs, AR PM open Wednesday, Sept 24th open Sunday, September 28th Both am & pm open
Our first child to pass away at Casa was Susie, a 15 years old girl, killed by her father. I remember her salvation as though it were yesterday. We were attending services at our church in Chimaltenango. The place was packed and so we set up chairs in the back of the church for our children. All through the service she twisted and turned. When the invitation was given she was moving and swaying. I walked to her and said “Susie, if you want to go forward I will go with you”.
She responded immediately and the pastor led her to Jesus. The following Saturday we celebrated her 15th birthday, quinceanera, and the folioing sunday she as baptized. By the following Sunday she was dead. I think of her often. Her older sister, Olga, named her first child, Susie, and his Susie lives here with Dottie and me as well as her younger brother Michael.
But what I want to say to you is this “Do not hesitate. If you feel the touch of God in any way–obey immediately”. I remember I did not have doubts at all in 1989 until I arrived at the border of Guatemala. Had I had those doubts in Lake Charles we may never have come to Guatemala.