Honey #4

PROGRAF!!! Now that Karen is here following her kidney transplant we will have to purchase PROGRAF (1 mg) which is a medication that fights the rejection of the new kidney. Any pharmacist who can help us get this at a lower rate would be a God-send to us. Please email me if you can help. casa-aleluya@yahoo.com I will pay for the medication. The cost here is much more than the USA.
The medical team finished examining all of our children and teens and then began this morning examining school children from San Bartolome’ and nearby areas.
My examination today went very well and my pain is almost nonexistent so I am blessed.
The simple life or the selfish life? Before you panic I am not referring to living a life without possessions. The simple life is not a life of poverty.
The simple life is Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God and these things will come to you”. The simple life is “having enough”. It is realizing where to stop and when to enjoy. Families often time have to work more and more to maintain a life style. But what God is saying with the simple life is enjoying Him and enjoying what you have. Accumulation only cause us to gather more dusts.
The simple life will release tension and stress. When I crossed the border between Mexico and Guatemala I was so tense because all I had to my name was $2000 and promises from friends and churches to help us monthly. Most of those promises were $10 to 25 per month. All I could think of was how will I buy property, build dorms, etc. But then God spoke:
“What you have you need and what you do not have you do not need”. That was it! My mind was immediately set free from financial worries. If God wanted something He would provide it. I did not need to get ‘up tight’. If I had the money we bought to built and if I did not have the money we would not buy or build. As I type this Aroldo is going through all of our medicines to determine what we need for the new girl who had her kidney transplant.
My mind can barely wrap around the idea of Jose’, Luis, Genesis, Karen, Wendy, Marjorie and Sindy are being treated by dialysis or by anti-rejection medication. The cost for these 7 children is $10,000 per month. Can you imagine if I were responsible for that? I would be a wreck! The simple life says:
Lord, I will enjoy each and every day/I will not worry or fret about what is happening/You are in control and certainly you love these children more than I do/I will rest in your love and in your Word.
Do not live a life of exhaustion and frustration. Get Simple!!!