Honey #5


The medical team finished today and they saw hundreds of patients. It appears that we will have a long term relationship with them.  Monday they saw 402 patients; Tuesday 416; Wednesday 253 & Thursday 253. That is a total of 1324 patients.


Have you burned out? Do you feel that you are burning out? Burn out is as old as the Bible. Moses was known as a great leader–possibly the greatest of all leaders. But he burned out and fell crashing to the ground. He saw an Egyptian beating an Israelite so he took thinks into his own hands and killed the offender. He fled into a desert and tried to AVOID HIS CALLING for 40 years.

But God does not forget where we are.  All of you are familiar with the burning bush when God appeared to Moses and said “Now we are going to do it my way”.

That is his you avoid burn out or return to your cling. You must do it God’ way. We will always fall crashing to the ground if we try to do God’s work in our own strength.  It is not about who works the hardest or studies the hardest. It is about who can commit and surrender their responsibilities to God.

The fact that the burning bush was not consumed is the lesson that Christ has for us.

Do ONLY God’s will

Do it ONLY God’s way

Do it ONLY in God’s power

And, like the burning bush, you will not be consumed.