A confession

The little boy, Keiser, pronounced Key Sir will arrive Wednesday. He is only 6 not 7.
We have three teams here now from Missouri, a second group from Oklahoma, Washington State and even 3 left over from the Arkansas group last week. But Wednesday there will be more coming and the total will rise to 113 for a day or two. So God has brought so many people to minister to the children and partner with us.
I have learned that we need to confess our sins if we will continue to be used of God. Following my surgery I awoke in absolute unbelief at the amount of pain I was experiencing. I truly thought that I would awaken with less pain in my back and legs than I had experienced the last few years. But it was excruciating. For 2 months I just complained and murmured about the constant pain. Nothing relieved it and I began to believe that I had made an error in having the surgery. Honestly, I became depressed. Then a team arrived from Huntsville and another from The Woodlands and each had a person who had gone through the surgery in the last 2 years. Their encouragement was off the charts. They helped me so much just with the testimonies of the pain, the depression and then the healing. Since that time I have improved daily. I have felt good the last 5 days and today preached twice and stood through praise and worship and yet have not felt any pain. The power of encouragement can change a person’s life—TRY IT YOU MAY EVEN LIKE IT!!!