
VBS was a blessing. This is the 4th year in a row that Fellowship Ministry in Fayetteville, Arkansas has come and ministered to our children. It has been raining daily in torrents so the teams have really had to adjust.

Another team from Oklahoma went with Adam for a block party.

Josue’ photo shopped into the Christmas picture the children who are in college or working and were not here for the photo shoot.

Today was graduation day for 14 of our teens who were selected to reeve a free education at INTECAP in coffee management. Walter was told 3 would be given jobs or college scholarships.


Have you ever wanted out? Have you ever wanted to quit? Have you ever just want to start all over again? Welcome to one of the largest clubs on earth. I have no statistics to rely on but I think 95% of all people have desires to redo something, to start over or just get a fresh start. God tells us the endurance is part of the Christian life. Part of ENDURANCE is ACCEPTANCE.  I have to accept my life as it is receiving from God all of the blessings as well as all of the bumps that go with God’s will for me. As we walk in faith we keep our dreams alive. Faith is the substance of what we HOPE for. My dreams are my hope and God tells us in Hebrews 11:1 that I need confidence(faith) that what I dope for (dream for) will actually come about. In the meantime I have to accept things as they are and standing on God’s Word that what He wants for me will come to fruition. I wake up every day  with the hope that Dottie and I are closer to the center of His will.  I am learning there are things I cannot do anymore. Acceptance is a difficult word sometimes.