Decisions 3

Glenda is working with the local government & is doing a great job.
Today we did something I promised I would never do. I had to turn away five children. I was looking for beds for them when the court called & said they would send them elsewhere. In 2 weeks we will have 50 more beds so hopefully I will not need to do that again.
Josh & his group from Huntsville went to minister locally with Adam and his out reach team.
To make the correct decisions in life you must first of all pale high value on the Word of God. God refers to this in Hebrews as “Esteeming the Word”. Now God says e need to REFUSE AND CHOOSE as Moses did. He refused the things of this world provided by his step-grandfather, Pharaoh, and he chose to live the same life as the Israelites were living.
“PRIORITIES” could possibly be the most important word you as a Christian will ever hear. Refuse means to reject or deny something that you have an opportunity to have in your life. Choose means that I select that which I feel is most important for me or my family. Do you understand what Moses rejected? He rejected absolute wealth and power when he turned his back on Egypt. In fact, the Word sys he chose suffering over pleasure. There are not many people who are willing todo that.
The pleasure of sin last for a moment. Sex outside of marriage is exciting but only for a moment and then the consequences come. Sometimes there is pregnancy or the loss of a reputation or the destruction of a marriage. Pleasure is a gift from God. But it is gift with boundaries.
Love should flow from relationship and not duty. God loves us because we are His children and He desires to bless us.