Decsisions #4
Dottie took the Lake Charles women to breakfast and then I had some medical tests to take.
The Woodlands, Texas group with John arrived.
The rains continue.
Value the Word of God! That is your highest duty. From the esteeming of God’s Word we are then able to choose and refuse according to what we have learned. I shared with you that life is about priorities. Just this morning a woman from Glad Tidings told me “Mike, what are people going to do who have done nothing except live for themselves and accumulated things?” Sadly, that is where the average Christian is today. We live as though we do not ave to given an account of what we have done with our lives.
What are your priorities? Where do you spend your money? Where do you spend your time?
You and I will choose what we value and refuse what we do not value? On any given Sunday the average American will choose sports events, TV or whatever before choosing church. These are folks who choose what is bad and refuse that which is good.
A few years ago LSU was playing Oklahoma for the national championship in football. Near the end of the game LSU made a play that insured they would win and be champions. I jumped as high as I could and screamed as loud as I could. But before I could hit the floor God spoke to me and said very clearly and very simply “You NEVER jump that high for me and you NEVER scream that loud for me.”
It was true! From that moment on I moved to the front of our church where all of the children, adults and visitors can see me. I raise my hands, shout, dance, sing and whatever else I need to do because I REFUSE to love football more than Jesus. Like Mary was singled out by Jesus when she sat at His feet and He said to Martha “Martha, you are burdened with fixing the gumbo and serving groceries whereas your sister has CHOSEN the GOOD PART”.
There will not be an LSU/Alabama rivalry in heaven. The only important score will be “What have you done with Jesus?”
The Schedule is Filling Up
Friday Sept 5th 6:30pm Amana Christian Fellowship
Sunday Sept 7th Word of Life, Patterson, La SUNDAY PM IS OPEN
Sunday Sept 14th: AM in Grand Bay, Ala at Friendship Baptist PM at Second Chance Ministries, 5:30, Lucedale, Ms
Wednesday Sept 17th Saraland United Methodust in Mobile, Ala PM
Sunday Sept 21st 10:50am Lakeshore Heights Baptit in Hot Springs, Ark SUNDAY PM OPEN
Wednesday Sept 24th OPEN
Sunday Sept 28th 10:30am First Baptist in Monroe, Louisiana Sunday Sept PM OPEN