Mercy 2

Study time for Mari. This is finals week.
Study time for Mari. This is finals week.


Mercy appears 276 times in the Bible. Jesus says in Matthew 23:23 that hypocrites do many activities but they ignore the important things of Justice, Mercy and Faith. In Luke we are told in 6:36-37 that we are to be Merciful, jut as your Father is merciful.

I want to be a man of mercy. Mercy is not judgmental. Mercy is non-condemning. Mercy forgives.

Mercy exhibits patience and compassion and manifests love in action.

One of the Hebrew words for mercy means to lift up; to hold up; to accept; to help; to forgive.

Another of the Hebrew words for mercy means to stoop down; to feel and respond with kindness; to soothe; to give tenderness.

I suppose my whole life would be much better if I would be merciful as my Father in heaven is merciful.