
The Three Amigos...Together Again.  Best buddies Miguel, Jon Jon, and Cardin
The Three Amigos…Together Again. Best buddies Miguel, Jon Jon, and Cardin


Last week a precious Christian from India where her father is a Baptist pastor left our place with the Arkansas team and when they arrived in Houston the authorities immediately put her on an airplane to India. She had not reviewed her Visa although she is a professor at a university in Arkansas. She is such a precious Christian. She will return both to Arkansas and to Guatemala–maybe even permanently. She teaches science!!!

I just received the grades for Aroldo who car for the dialysis unit and they were so good. Physiology, Anatomy, Hemodialysis, Vital Signs and other courses yet all were passed with excellent grades. I am so proud of him.



Psalm 7:4 “Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”  and Isaiah 33:17  “Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off.” You delight yourself in the Lord when you can see Him as King in all of His beauty.

His Word reveals His beauty. If you read your Bible and only see words then you miss it. You read the Word to see Him on every page. You will learn His thoughts and His feelings. You will touch His heart. It is in reading the Word that God pulls back the curtain and reveals Himself to you.

EACH and EVERY TIME we read His Word we need to ask “Father, what are you saying to me NOW?”

The dental x ray machine is in our clinic. PTL!!
The dental x ray machine is in our clinic. PTL!!