Much Talk

We received 4 new children today ages 14, 12, 8 and 7.
One team is having VBS for the younger children each afternoon, a carnival on Wed. with two evening movies, a morning of sports for the older boys and the following day for girls, removing concrete as directed by the Department of Health and the finishing of the new storage building and moving of everything in the storage at dialysis so we can add another bedroom. All of this is what the Americans are doing as well as many other activities. The groups all summer have blessed our children.
If you will go to the HOME page and scroll down to the bottom you ill see 4 areas of photos which we will be updating daily.
If you read or view the news there are thousands of words being said about the large numbers, over 50,000, children from Guatemala, Honduras and EL Salvador who have entered the USA in the last few months and are being held near the Mexican border in a number of cities actually reaching all the way into Nebraska. The debate is aimed at what can be done with them and yesterday 40 were returned to Honduras with flights being scheduled to Guatemala and El Salvador today.
After living here for more than 25 years I can only speak about what is happening to children here. 70% of the population of 14,700,000 are under 18 years of age. 25% of all children have NO access to education. The average length of education is 3.5 years. 52% of children live in poverty with 68% of all children under age 6 live in poverty. Guatemala is a major transit country for cocaine & heroin. It is 4th in the world for violent crimes and 7th in the world for murders.
Life expectancy for 12% of men and 6% of women is 30 YEARS. 1% of the population own 65% of the wealth. The top 5% of the population own 85% of the wealth. There is an exclusion of people from labor, land and education. The fact that there are more than 20 indigenous languages (Mayan) makes education even more difficult. Malnutrition, unemployment, illiteracy combined with a gang culture than can hold entire towns and large areas in their control combined with violence, crime and drugs causes parents to withdraw and have a “bunker” mentality.
Children are raised in fear. The number of rapes and murders of teens and children are almost beyond measure. Would you want to raise your child in this culture? Would you try to get your children to a safe place like the USA? I would!!!!
It would cost the USA much money but with what we give to the devil as a nation who supports sin with billions each year it would be nice to see them support something positive.