Our web page problems

A number of people have contacted Debbie or me and said they are having trouble getting on to their accounts, sponsorship, etc. This is a situation that our server is working on and assures us will be corrected in 2 to 3 weeks. I am so sorry.
Another of our children, Norma, who have been here for years has finished her education. She attended trade school and has received her diploma as a chef and will work 6 months at Camino Real, five star, from 10am until 11am. Because of that she will live with her grand mother in the city.
Gladys & Josue’ took a girl to Coban for a meeting with the judge and Gladys said the girl said only good things about us. In the end he gave her back to the mother saying “She can take care of her”.
The courts called earlier & are sending siblings ages 3 month old, a 3 and a 4.
Oops! At 6:30pm we received a brother/sister ages 15 & 16 because of physical abuse.
There are words I think of when I am considering ‘endurance’. As I have said we should never give up although we all want to get out of negative circumstances be it health, marriage, finances, relationships or whatever makes you want to take a sleeping pill and escape the pressures.
The words I most often think of are courage, conviction and character. God has always looked for men and women of valor. It takes courage to stand when everyone else runs. It takes courage to hold fast to the Word when the devil keeps whispering doubts. It takes courage to trust him when your eyes and ears are saying the opposite.
Conviction and character are the foundation for courage. If the conviction “I will do what I believe God is saying no matter how many go with me”. Conviction is what all of us need more of. Of course, character is what leads to conviction.