Water baptism

Sunday morning we will have water baptism for the children who have received Christ and understand the meaning of baptism.

Our short vacation went too swiftly but I did did away from the duly responsibility and rest some.

We continue to have groups visiting from the states and that help us to get prepared for the inspections  whenever they do come. My prayer is that Walter can recover well enough to speck with the inspectors as he has that manner about him to calm a situation whereas I am a flamethrower.


People who know me either very well or not too well probably have the same feeling about me. I am really not a people person.Years ago in Lake Charles two deacons were angry with me and said  “You only care about children. You do not care about adults at all”. It is very true that I do not have intimate relationships with very many people. In fact, you could probably count on 2 fingers the people I really feel comfort around and intimate with. I do like people but aloneness is what I have always preferred.

Intimacy to me is that speaking to another person means we are friends and there are no barriers between us. All walls are down and the true us is known to one another. That seldom has happened to me in my life. Pain has followed me most of my life from childhood through the present.  I have never had a good relationship with my mother because of her alcohol and her impossibly high standards. If I scored a TD she asked why I did not score 2. If I were elected vice-president of my class she wanted to know why I was not president.If I finished second in a race she wanted to know why I lost.

So I crawled into a soft shell here just enough of me protruded to accomplish what was required. I never truly shared feelings from my heart and mind with many people. Dottie was my confident and she also became my buffer and go-between in my relationships with others. Strangely I suppose those deacons were right in that I am more comfortable with children. And when they disappoint me  the pain is so very deep.

As I begin my 72 year of life, my 52nd year of marriage and my 26th at Casa this old bird truly need to learn new tricks doesn’t he??