Depression #1

A hard job but someone has to do it
A hard job but someone has to do it


We had the inspection by the Department of Education. The elementary school was graded at 100% and the Jr High & High School received a grade of 80% which is better than I anticipated.

Today I had medical tests and x-rays to see the rate of recovery. With only 3 weeks before leaving for the states I want to get over the weakness.

We received a 12 year old girl who was horribly abused. Also three brothers, 5, 7 and 12 arrived.


The death of Robin Williams by suicide just emphasizes the fact that all of the money and all of the fame and all of the talent does not insure that anyone is safe from severe depression and even suicide. My brother committed suicide many, many years ago and he was in a state of depression over a failed relationship and an increase in his alcohol usage.

The truth is that no one is safe when it comes to disappointments, sadness and even depression. One of the women who came this summer to Casa had back surgery similar to mine and told me she actually checked into a hospital for depression because she did not feel as though she was healing fast enough. For two months I felt the same one. I was disappointed and Dottie will tell you depression was hanging around me.

1. Anytime life does not go the way we think it should go we can become discouraged.

2. Anytime we do not reach our dreams, we can feel disappointment.

3. Anytime we feel that life is unfair, we can feel devastated.

4. Anytime we do what we think we should do and in spite of that things don’t turn out so well we can get discouraged.

The death of a loved one; a lingering illness; a loss of finical stability; a divorce; a death of a person close to us; the loss of a job or a multitude of other negatives can put us in a deep funk from which we feel there is no escape. These things make us feel as though we failed or that we are unworthy. Satan lies! We believe! The devil wins!

Robin Williams was truly an icon. He was one-in-a-million. He made the world laugh for 40 years. What brought him to that point of taking his life no one will ever truly know. Statistics tell us there are over 30,000,000 people just like him in the USA alone. So every Christian can help to share the life of Jesus with those around us.