Depression #3

I Forgot!!!
I Forgot!!!

Josue’ & I met his father in Chimaltenango to change a truck title from Casa to his father, Jose’. Hoever after standing in line 3 hours we were unable to get it done.

Then I had my monthly check-up with my surgeon and he also looked at Sandra who is a toddlerer with a clubfoot. I was so disappointed as my results indicate that instead of an 8 month recuperation it will be more than 2 years.

With the Education Department inspection being over and very successful we now much get dorms completed for the Health Department, Judges and PGN/MP inspections. There is painting, tiling, doors to be hung and a multitude of minor repairs. sadly we do not have any times scheduled currently.

With the Education Department inspection being over and very successful we now much get dorms completed for the Health Department, Judges and PGN/MP inspections. There is painting, tiling, doors to be hung and a multitude of minor repairs. Sadly we do not have any teams scheduled currently.


The first cause of depression can be physical as we discussed yesterday. The second cause could be emotional. If you are holding anger, loneliness or hatred inside it is easy to become depressed.  Do you hold grudges, feel bitter or hold unforgiveness towards others?

If we feel a relationship is not working out the way we wanted e get discouraged which can lead to depression. I know that I felt depressed when I thought God was not listening to my prayers. There have been times I wanted something to happen and since it was delayed I worried that I had missed God.

The third cause of depression can be spiritual. SIN is the culprit. This normally is related to our tongues since the Word says life and death are in the power of the tongue. In Luke 6 God says that a good tree produces good fruit and a bad tree doesn’t. Unwholesome words are dangerous. Criticizing, complaining, gossip and slander are words that if used often can bring depression. Devouring a person with ugly words or angry words  can cause depression eventually.

No one is perfect but using the wrong words as a weapon can rebound and bring depression to the user.