Depression #4


Tim is planning on starting the renovation of the Career girl’s dorm into a new visitor’ dorm. Oscar is doing the plans.

Carla Tot was burned when a stove shot flames onto her arm & face. She is better today.

Victor Hugo came in last night absolutely happy as he had led one of his co-workers to the Lord. Celia, his wife,  is pregnant but the physician said there are complications so please pray.


The answer to depression can be found within ourselves. The suicide of my brother many years ago made me realize that no one is immune to the sadness or emptiness or feeling of unworthiness. Life is filled with disappointments. Of course, the #1 answer i a strong and deep relationship with God. The knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Word are the foundation of sanity and a knowledge of your self-worth. Jesus makes us “accepted”. It is a lack of acceptance that haunts us.

Hebrews 13:5 “I will never leave you nor will I desert you”.

Matthew 28:20 “I am with you always”.

There are many other scriptures such as I Samuel 12:22 and John 14:18 and John 14:16 and Romans 8:35-39. But for me it is Proverbs 3:5-6 that makes me strong when I feel discouraged, disappointed or even depressed. “Trust in the Lord with all of your heat and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight”.

God has called us with an individual purpose for our creation. When a Person fails to follow that purple he allows Satan to enter with lies concerning who we are and our lack of self-with. He wants us to feel as though we have failed completely.

The deepest depression I ever felt was at he death of our 3rd child, Misty. I felt as though I had failed as a father and had no faith to stand for the healing of my daughter. I felt I was a failure as a husband because I could not comfort Dottie as I should have because I was so distraught.

But I knew that within myself there was no answer. So I turned to the Word and although I read dozens of chapters I finally arrived at Micah 7:8 “Rejoice not against o my enemy because when I fall I shall arise”.

There it was!!! Would I stay down or would I get up?  Arising is the only way to truly defeat depression.