Depression #5

Depression often is a result of a person having a victim mind-set. It is when we feel that we do not have the power to determine our own choices or decisions. Anyone who is in a dictatorial situation such as living with a domineering woman or an abuse husband will be victimized. Children who are made to think that they cannot do anything right in order to please their parents will become victims. When I was in high school I was elected a class officer and when I returned home to tell my parents I was met with “Why weren’t you elected president?”. Once I scored a touchdown and the question from my parent was “Why only one?’
Life is unjust! It is difficult and unfair and sometimes even deadly. But God wants us to see ourselves as “more than conquerers” but not in our own ability and strength. He wants us to see that we are conquerers “in Christ”. So easy to read the story of Moses and Joshua and the spies and the fear to fight their enemies in order to inherit the promised land and miss the true story.
God wanted them to learn to fight their enemies with Him at their side. But that did not occur to the people. They only saw their strength and abilities or rather their lack of ability. When David saw the giant he never believed that he alone was capable of slaying that monster. But he did believe that if God was standing at his side he could not lose.
What land are you trying to take possession of? Folks it would be extremely depressive if I were looking at the thousands of dollars it is going to take to build, equip, staff and minister to children with kidney failure. We are about to stand before the giant of impossibility and thank God that I do not stand alone. These children are God’s kids not mine!
A team of folks want to help to make this project a reality. So here is another truth about depression. HAVE FOLKS WHO BELIEVE STANDING WITH YOU DAILY. Never listen to doubters and those of no faith. If this were my project I would already be in bed with depression. But it is His and many other Christians who are willing to trust God.