Making Decisions #9

Dottie met with Sue and gave instructions, etc. It is a large job to stay in our home for a month. I bought the last of the groceries, etc for the month of September.
Dottie met with the boys who will tend her flowers & gardens.
We can now move on to Hebrews 11:27 where we read that in order to make a good decision we must ENDURE. My secretary, debbie, use to say to me “Mike, when I get to the end of my rope I tie a knot and hang on”. Not enough people do that. They bail out! It is pitiful how many people leave marriages, churches, circumstances simply because they do not want to persevere.
My favorite boxer was Rocky Marciano who as heavy weight champion was never knocked out. When asked why he was the only undefeated heavy weight champion in history Rocky answered “I only have to get up one more time than my opponent”. Since he was never knocked down you have to understand his meaning. If you can stand one moment more than your enemy he cannot beat you.
Recently I was asked if I ever thought I made a wrong decision when I came to Guatemala and did I ever want to quit. No I have never wanted to quit though I have been kicked and beaten by the devil for a long time. But he cannot beat me unless I quit! To endure simply means to be strong. Over and over the Word tells us to be strong in the Lord.
I cannot be strong in my own strength. We all go through battles. No Christian is without scars. We all get attacked. Too many quit. You have to hang in there until the bell rings and if you duo that you have won. has anyone ever said that you needed to be patient? That means “hang in there”. or “grin and bear it”. I tell myself often “Mike, this too will pass”.
Why did Moses endure? That verse above says he endured as seeing Him who was invisible. There it is!! He looked to God!! A no brainer!! But something the average Christian does not do. If you keep your eyes on Christ you will not go wrong. Ask Peter what happens when you are walking on the water and you take your eyes off of the Lord?