Mercy 10

Mercy cannot be isolated from RECONCILIATION and RESTORATION. Yesterday we saw that the man who refused to forgive mother individual when he had been forgiven of so much. Of course, he was thrown into jail with no hope of release. This says to me that the person who does not forgive others has truly been forgiven by God.
When you realize what Jesus did on the Cross and what the Father has done in allowing you to repent and accept His offer of Heaven you CANNOT hate or not forgive others.
We, as children of God, not only need to give a person a second chance but a third and fourth and so on. We cannot give up on a person. Of course that does not mean you allow that person to destroy others. I hate getting rid of any child but if that child is a danger either physically or emotionally to other children I cannot allow them to continue here at Casa.
Some of our staff continue to help children we have had to send out from Casa. We pay their education and even try to help them to find jobs. The purpose for our continuing to help is to give the child a chance to truly “Come to themselves” and return to their heavenly Father. Some do not but some do so we will continue to do what we can.