Mercy 11

We need each other
We need each other

Our past dentist came to demonstrate how to install the dental x-ray equipment & he will instruct our current dentist how to use it. We learned today the judges will be inspecting us on Friday. This will include every dorm as well as every other building.  Everyone is doing their best to get things clean.

We received 3 boys ages15, 14 & 7 & one girl age 4.

The NC team washed the children’s feet in every dorm & one little girl was asked if she was saved. She said “Yes”. They asked if she had any prayer needs and she answered “Pray for Papi”.


Matthew 5:7 “Blessed are the merciful for they shall see mercy”.  In order to truly have a merciful spirit I believe that we must have come through the valley of brokenness. When you have been forgiven of much you will be able to forgive others and show mercy to them. We love to say that you cannot out give God but I also say that we cannot out mercy God.

I owe everything that I am, I have and am having to God and His mercy. No one serves the blessings of God upon their lives. It is only because of His mercy that we are even alive.

We know from the Word the Pharisees could not show mercy because everything about their religion was works, show and judgment.  They had no compassion for anyone. They accused Jesus of not being religious because He ate with prostitutes, the sick and the fringes of society.  When we compare ourselves with others we can always find someone who is “less” spiritual than we are. However, that is not who the Heavenly Father compares us with. He has as the focus of all creation His Son Jesus.

We are all in need of mercy and when I receive it the proof of that mercy is that I show mercy.  He tells us that He does not want sacrifice (works) but rather He wants mercy.