Mercy 13

Cristy died yesterday morning in Chimaltenango. She and her husband, Paul, were such dear friends to Casa and two of the strongest Christians I have met in Guatemala. They worked with Pastor Teddy from Alabama for years. Pastor Teddie gave a marvelous sermon. Dottie & I attended the funeral & Esdras preached in my place.
We left after music because Elias & his high school team from Alex’s dorm did the praise and worship for the first time and did a bang-up job.
It was a rough week as Glenda’s grandfather died; one boy broke his finger so bad he had surgery & has been hospitalized 5 days & another girl broke her arm.
Do you remember the story in the Bible where the man was beaten and left on the side of the road? All the religious people passed him by until finally there was a hated Samaritan who stopped to help. Not only did he give him first aid but he took him to an inn where he paid in advance for the man’s treatment and said to the folks that if this were not enough he would stop by when he returned and pay the different.
Helping people we know and love is admirable but helping those who hate us as did the Jew for this Samaritan is a difference story altogether. Mercy is when you step out of your comfort zone and do for those who are different than us is another matter. Everyday we have opportunity to be kind, speak kindness and go out of our way to see another person has his needs met.
Our Father is an awesome Father Who stepped out of heaven to pick us up by the side of the road.