Mercy 6


Keiser, dialysis child, is adjusting so well.
Keiser, dialysis child, is adjusting so well.

The moves were completed today so we will see if I made the correct decision in swapping house parents. Many kids are not happy!

Dr. Lou & the architect, David, came and it was really a prosperous meeting. I will have all the details as to where we are going with the program. One thing that did come out was that a number of children have an opportunity to receive transplants but their home situation is so bad Dr. Lou believes it would be fruitless unless they had a HOME to go to. So we will be taking more children who have received transplants. This will be the 1st step & we will also take those who need dialysis as long as we have the space.

Sindy 1, Sindy 2 and Marjorie are all back in the hospital so we need your prayers for them. Either high potassium levels or infection is the problem.


The Word is filled with examples of Mercy. Yesterday we spoke of King David and now let us consider Queen Esther.

Israel is in great peril as the devil has fooled King Ahasuerus into killing all of the Jews. Esther, who is Jewish, goes to the king on behalf of her people. The law stated that if anyone entered the throne room they were to be immediately executed.  Esther and her uncle had the people fast and pray for 3 days.

She dressed up as pretty as could be and went into the presence of the king. Instead of having her killed the king was kind and asked what was her reason for coming there.  She was welcomed into the throne room and made her request known and pleaded for mercy after a couple of banquets.

The point it that we are always welcomed into the throne room of God.  Hebrews 4:16 says that we are to enter into His presence BOLDLY that we may obtain MERCY.