Making Decisions #10

We dedicated Josue’ & Estella’s baby, Javiar and last night her brother, Mario with his wife Mariella shared that she is pregnant. So the next generation continues to be born.
We will levee Monday morning for a motel near the airport and then fly out early Tuesday morning. Tony will bring us to the motel. It gives us an opportunity to slow down, rest and prepare. I am believing that two things will happen on this trip. I will rest and recover from the surgery and God will give us the money to begin construction on the Critical Care Hospital.
Enduring is possible when we keep our eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 11:27. As you know Peter was walking on the water when he took his eyes off of Jesus and BEGAN to sink. Come on. don’t we all slip up and falter? Peter began to sink but he did not sink. He got hi eyes back on Jesus and Christ lifted him up.
God will keep His promises. That is the assurance that each of us has. He has promised He will never leave me and that He is my healer, deliver, provider and much, much more. So I must keep my eyes constantly on Him. Looking at the problem brings discouragement. The Bible said a 75 year old man, not me, believed God and he and his wife had a child. Abraham believed God. And Sarah DID NOT get pregnant that year nor the next nor the next nor…….it was 25 years! But Romans 4:18-21 says that Abraham was not weak in faith (with the passing of time) but was tong in faith and gave glory to God and received the promise.
sadly it seems to me most Christians cannot wait 25 days or 25 hours for God to move. Waiting is an impossibility unless you have faith in His promises. But you cannot look at your dead body or rather your negative circumstances. Abraham refused to look at his or at Sarah’s old wrinkly body. He was strong Romans 4 says and “GAVE GLORY TO GOD”
Do you give God the glory WHEN He gives the promise? Or do you wait until you see it in the flesh before being grateful? Endure refuses to believe the natural. It stands on His Word and His Word or Promise alone.