Making Decisions #11


Dedication of little Javi
Dedication of little Javi

I began the day with computer problems with the banking web site. It is critical because I have to make transfers, etc on line while I am in the states. Sebastian was able to help me and we got it all taken acre of.

We have a vacancy and real need for a couple to take Estrellitas which is a dorm of only 20 little girls 7 to 10 years old. This is the easiest dorm on campus for workers. We need a couple to love them.

Josue’ did a telemedicine demonstration for medical personnel in Honduras. He has also been training Minor to be able to substitute for him when he is unavailable.

Tony took us to the motel.



I discovered years ago that in order to trust God and see the promises become reality I had to keep doing what I was called to do. In Hebrews 11:28 Moses is said to have “kept the Passover”. Now that is something that was done for years and Moses was not going to quit doing what he knew the Lord wanted him to do. You would not believe how many people have come to Casa with “a better idea”.

I found out that that was one way the devil was using to get me to lose perspective and direction. I was raised on a farm much of my childhood with my grandparents. We plowed with horses and in order to keep them focused on the job at hand we put ‘blinders’ on them.

Now I am not saying that you never do anything new. We have done many things over the years that moved Casa along but we have never departed from the Word. I have never departed from showing mercy. I have never changed my idea that the ministry is not about the staff or the visitors but the ministry is about the children.

I cannot forget who I am and why I was originally called to Guatemala. You can throw out negative things from the past but do not throw away everything. Be as James says in his book chapter 4 verse 17 “Therefore if you know to do good, do it”.  God called me to minister Jesus to children. That is the ONLY reason we are here. I do feed them, clothe them, educate them, etc but I am not a social worker. I am here to share Christ and that is what I know I am to do and I will continue to do that.

If I forget why I am here I will open the door to the devil and all hell will truly enter Casa. I do not want staff who are unsaved or if they are saved do not pray or worship or share the Word with the children in their care.