Making Decisions #12

We had favor all through the trip. No problems at any point. When Malcolm picked me up I asked him to take me the the driver license bureau and he said “There is a place where you can get your license quickly. He took me there and I left 10 minutes later with my new license. Only in Louisiana!!
We are at Mark & Gina’ “CAMP” on a tributary of Calcasieu Lake. So we will rest well here. We were able to spend time with our son Chad also.
We have walked through Hebrews 11:25-29 and have seen that to make good decisions we must esteem, refuse, choose, forsake, endure and do what you know to do. so finally we come to the end which is in 11:29 “By faith they passed through the Red Sea”. Moses of course knew he was called to DELIVER the Israelites from Egypt.
Remember Moses was 40 years in Egypt and 40 years in the wilderness before passing through that Red Sea. He had a determination that most Christians today lack. If it takes too long they quit. If it is too difficult they quit. If it is too costly they quit! If it is not comfortable they quit! But Moses knew the answer. He knew that God was with him.
Have you stood at the edge of your own Red Sea? I suppose we all have. But how did we react? Have you done all you were told to do and God has brought you to another stage in your Christian walk? You were obedient and made good decisions and now you are standing on the edge of your miracle. Although you have walked through so much it still looks impossible.
I wish that our lives consisted of only one decision. But unfortunately that is not true. We are faced with decisions daily. Some are small and seemingly insignificant although they still are important. But even in the midst of a great and large decisions another large decision raises its head.
You make the right decision by keeping your eyes on Jesus. he is the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2. he began he work in Moses way back in the palace of Pharaoh. He located Moses when he was on the backside of the desert and now He has brought him to edge of the Red Sea.
Always choose the Spiritual over the Natural. Do not give up! God loves us as much as He loved Moses. He loves us as much as He has loved any Bible character. he will cross the Red Sea with you. Just make the decision to arrive at the edge of the Red Sea. That is where the miracles are.