Pain has a Purpose #2

Not only will we need builders for the hospital but we need tear-downers also. Two buildings must be removed in order to put in the hospital.
Seven boys from Buen Pastor went with Adam and installed 5 ovens for poor families. I love it when our boys are involved in ministery.
Anthony had his first sewing of his varicose veins in his throat.
Dottie is under the weather. The hectic pace of leaving Guatemala and then the fast pace the last few days just has worn her out. She is 3 months older than me so I can handle it better due to my youth.
10th: Not only will we need builders for the hospital but we need tear-downers also. Two buildings must be removed in order to put in the hospital. Seven boys from Buen Pastor went with Adam and installed 5 ovens for poor families. I love it when our boys are involved in ministery.
I wish that I would have known years ago what I know now. Too many times I have gotten angry or resentful of someone who was causing me pain or stress. I thought of them as an enemy and reacted that way. But seldom are people really the enemy. Enemies are actually our weaknesses, situations or even an attitude that tries to destroy the purpose God has in our life.
So it is Satan who ultimately does not want me to accomplish God’s will so he uses whatever and whomever he can to put me into stress. Recently, in my prayer time, I realized that God was telling me to build a hospital for chronically ill children. I made the statement on my update and a handful of people responded. Most were negative but a few were positive. Those who were negative were people close to me but who had doubts due to the financial cost.
But I want to confess to you NOW that as a ministry we CANNOT lose by stepping out to give life to children no matter how impossible it may seem. When the architect told me the cost of a 3 floor hospital with the dialysis machines, beds, equipment and disposables just to begin would be $750,000 I was dumb founded. But I SLEPT!!!
Faith is being able to sleep at night!!
I do not have $750,000 but I do know WHO does. His name is Jesus and as much as I love Sindy 1, Sindy 2, Wendy, Genesis, Jose’, Luis, Karen, Marjorie and Keiser God loves them a million times more.
On September 29th I believe that we will walk away with an initial $500,000 to begin construction. The first Luis as well as Anthony, Maritza and Sergio died with Jesus in their hearts. The 9 children on dialysis right now are all born again. We will add 36 SOULS not dialysis patients to the ministry when we construct the hospital.
An enemy is one who opposes God and His will whereas a friend is one who stands fast regardless of the circumstances and sees God work!! Join us please!!!