Pain Has A Purpose #3

Independence day activities
Independence week activities


Dottie and I worked diligently today on the cost analysis for the hospital. Tim and David (architect) are working on the cost of construction and I am working on cost of equipment and disposables with Tim.  Dr Lou is working on salary cost.

Pastor David took the boys in Buen Pastor to the watermark. He included 7 of the 9 who live in my house. Minor & Kevin are in college.


Paul said in I Corinthians 16:9 “A great door has opened unto me and there are many adversaries”. What would we know about David had there not been a Goliath? Or what would we know about Samson had there not been a Delilah? Without the shipwreck we would not have had the Gospel shared by Paul to an entire island nation.

Would we still study Joseph had there not been his mean brothers or Potifar’s wife or Pharaoh? When we have enemies it is a positive sign that we are doing something that the devil does not like. So he sends those who criticize or speak words of doubt.

Joshua and Caleb understood what good an emery can do for us. Everyone was scared senseless by the report of the 10 FAITHLESS spies. But Joshua and Caleb said “The giants are FOOD for us”. That means they saw the enemy as food meaning nourishment and it is nourishment that causes us to grow and mature.