Pain Has a Purpose #5


More Independence Day performances
More Independence Day performances

Alleluya!! Chad and Abby sold their house and will moving in November to become house parents in the baby dorm. I am so excited. Now we can concentrate on praying for a couple for the little girls in Estrellitos.

The Independence Day parades were held in San Bartolome’ and our marching band performed.

Wednesday night at 6pm we will share at Saraland United Methodist Church in Saraland, Alabama.


I learned so much from the lives of those in the Word and in the case of David I realized that God does not allow Satan to bring a Goliath into our lives until he has thrown us the lions and bears. It is in defeating lions and bears that we can conquer giants. This is truly what people have taught for generations “God will not give us more than we can handle”.

Years ago when I was 55 years old, 17 hers go, I was having a pity party. Not even Dottie was invited! I was whining to God about the fact that He must have made a mistake in sending me to Guatemala when I was 45 years old. I was telling God He should have sent me at 25 so I could have more time to see my children and grandchildren grow up.

Sara, now Alex’s wife and the mother of 4, was 17 years old and was walking past me when she ran over and kissed me and said “Are you going to build Alex and me a house?” I was taken back because they were not yet married so she went on to say “Not now! But when we finish school and are married because we both want to work here with you”. She left before I could answer and as she left God spoke to me and said “That is who will build my house”.

It became apparent to me that God was saying at 25 years of age I was too green, too stupid, too emotional and walking in baby steps of faith to have been able to handle the situations with courts, judges, abused children, finance, etc. Having pastored twice I had fought bears and lions. Without that experience I could never have handled giants.