Pain Has a Purpose #6

The services this past Sunday at both Friendship Baptist with Teddie & Lisa and then at The Church on the Bayou with Gary & Peggy were both filled with a compassion for our children in Guatemala and our vision of the hospital. Dottie & I are so grateful for the response of love we have been receiving.
Today is a “down day” and we can use the rest. I am improving daily.
The last day of independence Day in Guatemala was Monday so the children did not have school and since the Guatemalan staff had a holiday our teenage girls covered all areas from kitchen to dorms.
Recently I was given the plans of the Children’s Critical Care Hospital which had been in the heart of Dr. Lou and drawn by our architect, David. It was not until I saw the plans that I realized what Dr. Lou was thinking. After studying the plans I also realized that there were some things in the plans I could not yet understand.
Well, God is an Architect! He has plans for you and for me. He has created everyone for a purpose. It is our responsibility to discover where we fit into His plans. What is our purpose? The hospital we will build does not have 15 emergency rooms nor does it contain only bed rooms or bathrooms. There will be bathrooms, bedrooms, an emergency room but also hallways, closets, storage rooms, a kitchen and stairwells. If it is to function as a hospital for critically ill children it will need ALL of those things.
If all Christians were preachers it would be so sad. If all Christians were missionaries that would be very sad also. The body of Christ needs preachers and missionaries but it needs so much more. Where would the evangelist, the teacher, the deacon, the Sunday school personnel, the laymen who provide the funds for the church and other ministries be? Oh that would be so horrible.
EACH child of God has a purpose and a place in God’s program to get the message of salvation out into the world. God chose you before time began (Ephesians 1:4-5) so He knew what He wanted for you and from you. Now you need to seek His will so you can fit into the plans He has already drawn.