Feeling ridiculous

Marjorie had two catheters placed in her body. One is in her neck for hemodialysis and one is in her stomach for peritoneal dialysis. Sindy II will have a new catheter placed in her for peritoneal dialysis on Tuesday. Keiser is scheduled to have still another catheter placed in his neck. So we are in a constant state of prayer for our kidney children.
Dottie began giving out the dresses to the quinceaneras(15 year old girls) today for their ‘presentation’ at graduation on November 9th.
After the visitor’s left we had a wedding rehearsal for Andres and Estella.
When David was called from the fields where he was watching the sheep he had to feel sorta foolish when the prophet said that God had jumped over all of his older brothers and chose him to be king. These older boys teased him just like older brothers do. He probably was not allowed to go into their room or go anywhere socially with them.
What about when he faced Goliath and King Saul gave him his armor which was larger than anyone in Israel. The helmet must have spun around on his head and the shield could only be dragged along on the ground. He has to feel foolish, ridiculous and awkward.
However, David realized something that every Christian would do well to emulate. He considered the greatness–the majesty and the awesomeness of God. Even though he was small in the eyes of Goliath and stupid looking with Saul’s armor draped on him David realized just how much VALUE God placed upon him(David).
You and I are greatly valued by God. God SPOKE everything into creation. Well almost everything! He FORMED man from the dust. He did not speak man into existence—HE TOUCHED MAN INTO EXISTENCE!!! It is His touch that defines who you are.
Have you being touched by His loving hand?