Satan still tempts old folks! #2

Feb/March schedule: Feb 15th Sunday AM at Family Life in Lafayette, La. On March 1st at 10:30AM at Lakeview Baptist in Cave Springs, Ark. Every other date and time is open.
Today we received sisters ages 15 and 10.
Yesterday I shared with you that the devil tempts old folks with (1) being critical, (2) spiritual retirement and (3) being inflexible. The last two areas that he tempts people like Dottie and me is
4) FEELINGS OF REGRET. At age 71 I can look back a long distance and I am happy in some respects and sad in other respects. I wish I would have been able to understand my mother and bring her into my life. I wish that I would have been kinder as a pastor and friend. I wish I would have been a better father. I know that I spent more time helping other people’s children than I did my own.
I wish I would have given more to missions and the Gospel throughout the years. I wish that I would have sinned less and been more faithful to the Truth of His Word. In fact, I wish I would have done many things differently.
5. The devil also tempts us with A TENDENCY TO WORRY. Senior citizens have much to worry about. Our health is one area that we will struggle with as we age. Finances have to be watched so closely as we age and our income is limited. Making sure you can live within your means and leave something for your spouse as well.
We will always worry about children and grandchildren. We want them all saved, serving God, married to a Christian and able to provide for themselves and their own family.
Very similar to the above is that we will worry about our future. Aging is difficult. Too often today we see dementia or alzheimer creeping in on the one we love. They are not who they were. Memories flood our souls and minds with what might have been, could have been or should have been.
So as you can see you are never going to outlive or outgrow the devil’s attempt to tempt you.