Someone values us

Thirty-four years ago a friend, Charles R., asked me to go with him to Africa.I told him I was not interested and yet he called for years. In 1988 he called & said “I want you to go with me to Guatemala”. The rest is history. His wife, Faye, was a powerful minister, wife, mother and everything a man like Charles could have ever asked. This morning she passed away. Dottie and I recalled various stories of her life today. Heaven will be the place of Final Reunion.
Dottie & the girls made decorations for the wedding. Angie will make the cakes for 500. Melvin & I went & purchased the ingredients but Dottie said that I cannot cook anything.
My father was not a wealthy man as the world measures wealth. So when he passed away there was no inheritance for us kids. But my Dad had an old watch that he kept from the time he was an older teenager until he passed away. The glass was cracked & I do not believe that it kept very good time. But is was my FATHER’S WATCH and I cherished it.
As a Christian I came to learn a half-century ago that we are all broken. We all have cracks, flaws and faults. To the world we are not very valuable. In fact some folks would even say we are worthless.
But we are valuable because SOMEONE values us. Our heavenly Father created us in His image. He shaped me and formed me and gave me life. He freed me from sin and delivered me from habits. He hears my prayer and He guides my steps. He uses me although I am not worthy to be used of God. But He sees in me something that makes Him say that I am valuable.
He has assured me of eternal life because of my faith in His Son Jesus. Jesus died upon a cross for me and that is how valuable I am to God. He keeps me from falling. He invites me into His presence.
I may be cracked and not working very well but I am VALUABLE to Him.