Someone values us #3

It is raining so hard so we have to make a decision as to whether we should prepare for the wedding to be inside or not. Estellla wanted it outside. We heard on the news that due to the major holiday known as “Day of the Dead” flowers will be sold beginning at 7am on Friday. We will have to hurry to get enough flowers for the wedding.
We have seen in the life of Hagar that e can end up running into the desert even when we have done nothing wrong. We do what Hagar did and that is to run away. We seek a safe place. We go where we feel loved and wanted and valued. We saw that Sarah cast Hagar out and that Hagar expected to die in the wilderness. But an angel came and spoke to her and what we learned was that when we are in horrible circumstances God still sees us, knows our situation and lets us know that we are valuable.
Do you feel as though you are valued only when you can do something for someone else. Do you feel rejection. Well, let me tell you one of the most important truths in God’s Word. Your value is not based upon what PEOPLE think of you. Your value comes from what God feels for you. He touches us daily with His presence and He has given us tremendous promises and He has provided everything spirit, soul and body.
God knows when I am tired. He knows when I am hurting and broken. He sees my fears and He feels. And yet He Touches Me. He holds me. He feels my hurts and He says to me that everything will be alright.