The keeper of my soul #11

Trying to break a balloon between them
Trying to break a balloon between them
Not as easy as it looks
Not as easy as it looks

We received 4 new children age 4, 7, 8 and 11.

February 15, 2015 we will be at Family Life in Lafayette, La at 9 & 11am. So we will be in that area should you ant us that evening.


There are 365 instances in the Bible where God says “Be not afraid”. Someone said that is one for each day of the year. But listen to these words of Jesus.  “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body…rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell”.

In other words, Jesus is watching us and the way we live. He sees our bodies deteriorating  with age and He is watching as too how we care for the soul. The body without a doubt will be destroyed but the soul lives forever. The important thing is WHERE will our soul live? If we are not born again the soul will be eternally damned.

Andrews says that the key to caring for the soul lies in contentment, joy and confidence. If you have a favorite NFL team then that team has already lost a game this year. If you are an SEC West fan you see that each team has the ability to defeat your team and the probability of anyone undefeated in the West is small. So being content cannot be based upon athletics. Neither can it be based on finances because the DOW is up and down like elevators. Your looks will fade as will your strength.

Joy cannot come from undefeated teams or from money in the bank or from everyone liking you. There cannot be confidence in people or situations because they also will change. Nothing stays the same except God Himself.

My soul is all that I truly own. I cannot stop my body from aging. I cannot control every aspect of my will and mind. But God gave me a soul and He has placed in my hands to ability to feed the soul so that it will prosper and grow as it heads for eternity.