The keeper of my soul #12

Dialysis birthday with friends
Dialysis birthday with friends: Sindy ll at the head with Keiser on her left & then Karen.

Marjorie returned after weeks in the hospital. There is no location for her peritoneal catheter so she is doing hemodialysis in the city as is Sindy 1, Sindy ll and Keiser. So it is a constant battle for health.

I met with the high school teachers on Monday & it did not go very well. They are upset that we are changing classes from afternoon until evening so desiring more money which I do not have.

Quique, who lives in our house broke his ankle, Last week of school! Go figure!

Pastor Teddy the #1 Alabama fan on earth dropped by to give me a good Christian book & a bag of LSU candies.


Why is caring for the soul so important? Our eternal destination is the number one reason but what about our lives here on earth? The soul wants us to walk in contentment, joy and confidence towards God and His plan for each of us.

Sadly, thug, our mind, will & body desires MORE. Nothing is ever enough! Our lusts, hungers and desires seem to have no limit. We want MORE food, MORE power, MORE recognition, MORE money, MORE time, MORE WISDOM, MORE Prestige, even MORE of MORE. Nothing ever seems to be enough.

Even Alabama goes through the MORE as do all universities. Alabama won over Arkansas by one point. Many in Alabama wanted to lynch Coach Sabin for such a close score. But if LSU won by one point over both Auburn and Mississippi we would be ranked #1. Winning should be enough. Doing your best is what feeds the soul. Even when the body and mind are disappointed your soul can be nourished by the efforts you made to do what is right.

I love the story where Jacob serves his future father-in-law for 7 years for the hand of Rachel only to get Leah. Yet he continued to work for the hand of Rachel and was rewarded 7 years later. He had an overwhelming passion that only the purpose of God could fulfill.

Zaccheus had a love and greed for money but met Jesus and that passion turned to service, honesty and the feeding of his soul.

What do you feed?