
Aroldo began his internship as a dialysis technician so we have 3 in medicine doing their internships at the same time. With Billy graduating from college next week I am one proud papa.
Last night we received a 15 year old girl who was so shook up. This morning she ran to me and said “Papi” and then held me so very tight.
My back just keeps hurting following my fall Sunday evening so I went for x-rays but will have to wait until tomorrow for the results.
Dottie worked so hdd on the wedding and now she is making the bows, etc for the graduation. Debbie and Cindy are helping so that is helping.
After 26 years with raising so many teenagers I learned years ago that friendship relationships are critical in our walk with God. No one has more owed or say-say in our relationship with Christ as do our friends. The Bible uses friend, friends, friendly and friendship 107 times in 20 different books of the Bible.
Yesterday I told you how I remember high school friends with such fondness. The reason is because friends make places and experiences of our young lives so much larger than life and bring forth memories that can last a weekend. Still, after more than 50 years, Dottie andIi share stories of childhood friendships that still cause us to smile.
Sadly 25% of adults in the USA say that they do not have anyone for whom they can discuss personal problems with. Studies have shown that friendships can extend life. A study of 1500 people my age, over 70, showed that people who had very strong friendships were 22% less likely to die as quickly as those without friends.