If you fall….

I took a terrible fall last night. Walking out of a dorm I stepped on an avocado and fell extremely hard. It hurt me all night but I felt better this morning. I was able to preach and had no continuous pain.
There have been so many times where I have felt tired. Other times I have felt lonesome and homesick for my home town in Louisiana. But I realize that if I walk away the damage would be catastrophic. When God calls us there is a reason and He expects that we walk through the fires and valleys and prove our selves faithful.
If we fall others will fall with us. I have got to be an example, and live as God would want me to live to the best of my ability. I have to be responsible and I have to take my responsibilities seriously.
We don’t become a leader by receiving a title. We become a leader by giving of ourself to others, and being responsible for what we have been put in charge of.
Saturday we had nearly 500 people attend the wedding of Andres and Estella. Our older teens jumped in and cooked a meal which included steak for ll of the children. Angie and her girls cooked cake and cupcakes and they were delicious. Flor had an entire team of teen girls who served each child and guest in attendance. Dottie exhausted herself with the flowers, decorations and was a true wedding planner. Jim jumped in and helped make the arrangements.
When we woke up for church this morning Dottie told me it was her best night’s sleep in weeks. Why? Because she gave herself unselfishly and when we do that there is a peace that falls upon us that cannot be experienced any other way.