Judas Kiss #1

Roxie, my granddaughter, is now walking well. Her mother, Tanya, flew in last night and they will return to Louisiana on Sunday.

Chad and Abby want to buy playground equipment for the baby dorm. Tim is trying to raise money to purchase 500 new chairs for the multipurpose building. They asked I mention it in case someone would like to help them.

That brings me to another thought and that is there have been a couple of sponsors who have sent 4 or 5 bags of gift for their child for Christmas. That nearly fills up a suitcase by itself and makes it hard for Debbie to be able to get gifts sent via suitcases for other children. Please consider that when thinking of Christmas gifts for your children here.

Kersey graduated from Beautician College tonight.

Smiles make getting out of bed a real blessing.
Smiles make getting out of bed a real blessing.


Nothing hurts worse that having someone you have loved and trusted turn around and deceive you. This is known as the Judas kiss. In Mark 14:45 “Judas walked up to Jesus and said “Master” and then kissed Him”. Judas was the great pretender–the great deceiver.

I heard the story of a man who was married for over 30 years and had five children. He died and soon afterwards a woman showed up via a lawyer to tell everyone that he actually was married to her and had 3 children with her. Their ‘marriage’ lasted over 20 years. This crushed the wife he lived with and his children as well. He was gone so there was no closure. The pain the family suffered was terrible.

This man had deceived a wife and his children as well as a community. I wish I could say he as not a church goer but he was. Christians can deceive other Christians and friends can deceive friends and, in fact, all relationships can be damaged by deception.

Actually the word ‘deception’ means ‘to cheat’. This means a person deceives others when he lies or misleads someone in order to get what they want. It is beyond painfulness to invest in a relationship that turns out to be a lie. Jesus had one of His own disciples deceive Him. After three years of sitting under the teaching of Christ Judas was still able to deceive the other disciples.

Wickwire writes “A Judas kiss shatters, humiliates, degrades and breaks your heart like little else can”. I agree!!