Judas kiss #3

Kersey with girls from Estrellitas
Kersey with girls from Estrellitas


The surgery today was not positive as one screw had to be removed from Roxie’s foot. It will take longer to heal. She cannot walk for a minimum of 6 weeks. They will still leave for Lake Charles on Sunday.

The older girls in Doncillas attend a pizza party in Chimaltenango with Mark at the Mission House. All of the dorms are hanging  Christmas lights & decorating rooms and porches.

We made an offer today to Billy now that he has graduated from college. This is a first at Casa and I will share it soon with you.


Everyone has been betrayed or treated deceitfully and probably everyone has also been deceitful. David speaks of his friend, Ahitophel, in Psalm 55 and states it his way “I could have taken this from an enemy but we grew up together and I trusted you.” When David’s son, Absalom, rebelled against David and tried to take the throne Ahithophel took Absalom’s side against David. To make it worse Ahithophel was Bathsheba’s grandfather.

As I said yesterday it is being lied to or deceived by a close friend or a family member that hurts the most. I do not know why people feel the need to lie or deceive others but I suppose it come down to personal gain. They are attempting to get something that they think they cannot get by honest words or honest work.

In the case of Ahithophel maybe he was trying to avenge the sexual encounter his granddaughter, Bathsheba, had with David as well as the murder of his son-in-law. In the end Ahithophel committed suicide.