Judas kiss #5

The dialysis kids together for the first time in 3 months
The dialysis kids together for the first time in 3 months

Tim, Larry, Adam and Bob worked on the water line on the visitor dorm’s addition while the children were in Bible and were able to get it installed and covered up by the time the services were finished.



We have looked at David/Bathsheba and Rebekah/Isaac and Esau/Jacob and Laban/Jacob as we study deceitfulness. What anyone who has been deceived can attest to is that bitterness tries to creep in when we have been lied to. But there are many sermons telling us how to handle deception.

First, Proverbs 15:3 says that God sees everything. He knows what happened and He knows what deception took place.

Second, Romans 12:19 says that God will do the judging. Vengence belongs to God alone.

Third, that same verse tells us to get out of the way.Do to interfere with what God is wanting to do.

Forth, Colossians 3:13 makes it clear that we need to forgive. We are no better at all if we fail to forgive.

Fifth, Philippians 3:13 says that we have to forgot it and move on towards what we are responsible for.

Sixth, II Timothy 1:7 says we should try to restore the fellowship and friendship. Now that takes guts!!