Long before

Praise God! The jackhammers are doing their job and the laborers have begun digging the footings for the hospital.
Dottie & I purchased what we will need for the 2 meals for the teenagers. The girls will serve the boys a turkey dinner and then the boys will serve the girls a day later. The children ages 13 and up will receive their gifts at the banquets while the younger children will receive their gifts earlier in Christmas week. So the excitement is building!
Dottie & I are still in prayer that someone will want us to come and share with their church or their group in February. That is how we get the word out so that people know how to pray for the children.
Ephesians 1:4 “Long before He laid down the foundation of the earth He had us in mind”. What an incredible thought! God has control over the entire universe and yet He thinks of us not just now but 1000s of years ago. Why??
Because He has a purpose for my life. He has a purpose for your life. Everything that has happened to us, around us and even through us has but one purpose and that is for you and I to be shaped in the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.
A minister said that God told Him “When you do not understand my HAND—Trust My HEART”. How wonderful! So much happens around us and we cannot seem to piece it together with what we understand. But God says that if we trust Him He will turn all things to our good. Since God has had a purpose for me since before creation wouldn’t it be a slap in His face for me to act as though I am worthless?