
I had much to do in the morning so Tony took dottie to do things we needed to get done in the city. In the afternoon we shopped for Christmas. We are getting close to finishing the gift buying and the team here from Charlotte helped wrap gifts today.
All of the dialysis children are here for the first time in weeks but three of them are so very ill.
The Word is our mirror. The more we read it and study it the more we see the truth as to who we are.
If you want to know what God is like—read the Word
If you war to know what you are like—read the Word.
The Word of God which is our spiritual mirror is brutally honest. Paul tells us to check our motives. He tells us to examine our hearts. The most important thing is that we cannot forget what we see in our the mirror of His Word. Do not waste your time because if you do you cannot grow. The Word will tell you the truth about who you are and what you should do.
We do not always want to be exposed for who we really are but the Word demands we pay attention. Do not compare yourself to anyone else. The Word is for you not for those around you. You must work on yourself to become what God desires you to be.