Our Purpose #1

the foundation trench
the foundation trench


Billy & I went to the bank to open an account for the paying of end-of-the-year extra salaries. Then I was on my way to Barcenas when a tree fell across the highway due to very high winds. So I was stuck for a while before it could be cut and removed.
Dottie baked pies for Thanksgiving as well as a turkey and a cornbread dressing as the Americans  weill have lunch together.


Each and every day there are thousands if to hundreds of thousands of people who die. A handful are well known such as politicians, athletes, actors, ministers and the like so they will be remembered to some degree after their death.  The majority will be placed in the tomb, buried at sea or maybe cremated and within a short period of time mostly forgotten with the exception of family members and former best friends.

What a terrible thing it is to die and never have made a difference worth anyone remembering.

If you asked me what is the most difficult strain I have as father/teacher to the Casa children over the last 26 years I could answer easily. Getting them to understand that God has a purpose for their lives is by far the most difficult concept that I minister to the children and is met with the strongest resistance.

They struggle with seeing themselves as “New Creations in Christ” following their salvation experience. They are consumed with feelings of inadequacy, a poor self-concept and a overall spirit of rejection. No matter how much we show them love the rejection from their past often time consumes them.

Romans 8:28 “We KNOW that ALL things God works for the GOOD to those who LOVE God and are CALLED according to His PURPOSE.”  God sent Jesus because He loves mankind and all He asks in return is that we love Him back and accept the Gift of Christ and the SEEK OUR PURPOSE.

Some of you reading this are as clueless and lost in discovering where you belong in His scene of things. Why are you here? Why were you born? What can you do?