Rejection #1

We received two new children
Seven of our children were honored with a meal at the Chinese Embassy for their artistic abilities.
You have been rejected and I have been rejected. Everyone at some time in their life will feel the sting of rejection.
Many babies are born to those who do not want them. They are rejected by their own parents. Children often are often abused and rejected by their caregivers. How many people are ridiculed and rejected because they have a disability or a handicapped? Divorce is the ultimate rejection in marriage. Friends abandon us or business partners are less than honest.
You could add dozens of examples to what I have written. Harmful words, unreciprocated love, withdrawal of attention, ugly gestures and etc are all ways we feel rejection.
I lived into my 60s waiting for my mother to say that she loved me. Even as a grandfather I wanted to hear her say just once that she was proud of me. How did I cope? Just like you!! I developed defense mechanisms. I put up walls. I distanced myself from most people even as a pastor.
I have scars.