Someone values us #4

Gladys helped me size all of the girls for new school shoes.
At 6am Dottie, Estella and I went to the market in Antigua to purchase the flowers. Dottie was able to find everything she needed.
The floor plans for the hospital are ready so we will send them on to the next governmental level and Monday we will begin taking down the classrooms. It is moving swiftly.
Our Michelle had a seizure and fell down the stairs which is the first time she has ever had such a crash. She was not harmed.
You and I do not know the name of the woman at the well but Jesus most certainly did. In John 4:7 Jesus asked her to give him a drink from the well. She was shocked and responded by saying “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan.”
She realized that there were huge differences between Jesus and herself. First, she was a woman. Second she was a foreigner. And more importantly the status was off the chart. He was a Rabbi and Rabbis did not speak to women in public and that included their owns wife.
Jesus knew what she did not know. He was not the one thirsty — it was the woman who was thirsty. Of course, the woman had no idea that Jesus was extraordinary and not just a normal Jew.
I know that before I found Jesus as Lord and Savior I looked for temporary ways to satisfy my thirst. Without the well we are very shallow and therefore temporarily satisfied. I had a person very close to me who drank alcohol daily. Each night as he climbed into bed he would say “I will never drink another drop of alcohol”. He would vomit throughout the night and the following evening he was back at the booze. The booze was temporary and it eventually took his life.
Happiness never was in my life permanently until I quit drinking of the world’s shallow liquids and began to drank only the water that God gave me.